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Complete Streets

A Good Idea


Complete Streets is an initiative aimed to increase physical activity and create safer roads for all users (pedestrians, bicyclists, motorized vehicles, transit vehicles and users, and motorists of all ages and abilities). Complete streets promotes focusing on the built environment and working closely with policy-makers and community members to put safety over speed and balance the needs of different modes of transportation.

In one example of this initiative, Columbus, OH worked to transform Gay Street into a two-way street with trees in the median, safer bike and pedestrian areas, and a mixture of housing and retail on both sides of the street. This initiative helped make Columbus the first city in Ohio to use a Health Impact Assessment to evaluate the health impacts of land use decisions.

Goal / Mission

Complete Streets aims to increase physical activity and contribute to creating safer communities for all users of the road.


Complete Streets has contributed to safer communities and streets for all users of the road by working with community residents, policy-makers, and the development community.

Results / Accomplishments

Complete Streets has seen success in creating safer bike and pedestrian areas, and creating policy that mandates all street construction, reconstruction, and repair projects accommodate all users of the road (including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorized vehicles, transit vehicles and users, and motorists of all ages and abilities).

About this Promising Practice

Environmental Health / Built Environment
Community / Public Safety
For more details
Healthy Marin