Why is this important?
Social connections can directly impact mental health, and their influence on lifestyle has important consequences for physical health.
Social connections can directly impact mental health, and their influence on lifestyle has important consequences for physical health.
“They’re self-medicating because, in Marin County, there is an epidemic of loneliness. I know it’s a huge problem in the senior community and I see it in our kids too.”
—Key Informant
—Key Informant
Increase social connection and sense of belonging in Marin County
Outcome 3.1 Increase number of BIPOC community members in leadership and decision-making positions.
Strategy 3.1.A. Cultivate new and existing opportunities for Black, indigenous, and youth of color to have decision-making power
Strategy 3.1.B. Create and Expand civic leadership pipelines focused on increasing Black, indigenous, and people of color active participation in local government and institutions
Strategy 3.1.C. Work with local jurisdictions and institutions to adopt policies and practices that increase the number of Black, indigenous, and people of color in leadership and decision-making positions
Outcome 3.2 Increase sense of connectedness across key populations and settings.
Strategy 3.2.A. Support and pilot strategies to reduce social isolation and/or increase inclusion and sense of belonging
Strategy 3.2.B. Expand restorative justice in schools, afterschool programs, and the criminal justice system
Strategy 3.2.C. Expand peer-based approaches to increase social connection
What the data say:
- 71% of white junior high and high school students reported a high level of school connectedness, compared to 65% of Asian students, 53% of Latinx students, and only 40% of Black/African-American students.
- In Marin, the percentage of seniors living alone is 35% higher than the rest of the state.
- 44% of Marin commuters drive alone to work and commute for longer than 30 minutes.
Social Connection Indicators
This indicator shows the percentage of people aged 65 years and over who live alone.
Numerator = Total estimate of persons aged 65+ living alone
Denominator = Total population estimate aged 65+
Data Source: American Community Survey 5-Year