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The Neighborhood Work Project

An Effective Practice


The Center for Employment Opportunities provides job readiness and placement services to men and women returning from prison to New York City and others under community supervision. Their signature work experience program - the Neighborhood Work Project (NWP) - provides immediate, paid, short-term employment and serves as an "employment lab," preparing participants with the essential skills to rejoin the workforce and restart their lives. Participants are paid the minimum wage and receive checks daily within one week of their release. Through the program's relationship with the State Division of Parole, CEO has contracts with other state agencies for janitorial services and painting services.

Goal / Mission

For over 25 years, CEO's consistent goal has been to provide immediate, comprehensive, and effective employment services for men and women returning from prison and others under community supervision in New York City.

Results / Accomplishments

The Center for Employment Opportunities serves nearly 1,800 ex-offenders annually. Within 2-3 months, 60% of training graduates are placed in permanent jobs. In over 25 years of operation as a specialized employment agency and human resource service, CEO has placed thousands of highly motivated workers in over 150 area businesses and organizations. According to a study by the National Institute of Justice, boot-camp graduates who participate in CEO programs have significantly lower return-to-prison rates for at least 2 years following release compared to similar groups of former prisoners.

About this Promising Practice

The Center for Employment Opportunities
Primary Contact
Mindy Tarlow
32 Broadway, 15th Floor
New York, New York 10004
(212) 422-4850
Economy / Employment
Education / Educational Attainment
Community / Crime & Crime Prevention
The Center for Employment Opportunities
Finance Project
Date of publication
Dec 2004
New York, NY
Healthy Marin