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Promising Practices

The Promising Practices database informs professionals and community members about documented approaches to improving community health and quality of life.

The ultimate goal is to support the systematic adoption, implementation, and evaluation of successful programs, practices, and policy changes. The database provides carefully reviewed, documented, and ranked practices that range from good ideas to evidence-based practices.
Learn more about the ranking methodology.

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(16 results)

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Filed under Effective Practice, Health / Mental Health & Mental Disorders, Teens, Urban

Goal: The Goals of Project Aware include:

1) Increase capacity of adults to respond to behavioral health issues of adolescents
2) Increase the mental health literacy of youth-interacting adults
3) Link adolescents with behavioral health issues to mental, emotional, and behavioral health assistance and services
4) Increase the number of collaborative partnerships with youth- serving community agencies/programs
5) Conduct outreach and engagement strategies with adolescents and their families/caregivers to increase awareness of and promote positive behavioral health

Impact: Collaboration and partnerships can help drive awareness of mental health issues and training adolescents in Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) can help spread awareness of mental health resources and referrals to professionals.

Filed under Good Idea, Economy / Government Assistance, Families

Goal: The goal of this program is to encourage eligible families to utilize the Earned Income Tax Credit.

Filed under Effective Practice, Community / Crime & Crime Prevention, Children, Teens, Urban

Goal: The goal of this program is to divert young first-time offenders from court into a restorative justice process in which the offender and victim negotiate a satisfactory solution.

Filed under Good Idea, Health / Cancer, Women

Goal: The goal of this program is to provide routine cancer screenings to the underserved population of incarcerated women in Indiana.

Filed under Effective Practice, Economy / Housing & Homes, Families, Urban

Goal: The goal of Blueprint to End Homelessness is to prevent people from becoming homeless and to improve access to services for those currently experiencing homelessness.

Filed under Good Idea, Health / Health Care Access & Quality, Children, Racial/Ethnic Minorities

Goal: This initiative strives to alleviate nursing shortages in underserved areas.

Filed under Good Idea, Economy / Housing & Homes, Adults, Urban

Goal: Corporation for Supportive Housing's mission is to help communities create permanent housing with services to prevent and end homelessness.

Filed under Effective Practice, Health / Mental Health & Mental Disorders, Children, Urban

Goal: The goals of the program are to reduce the levels of depression and risk of destructive behaviors among grieving adolescents.

Filed under Effective Practice, Economy / Housing & Homes

Goal: Horizon House believes homeless guests possess strengths that are key to ending their homelessness, and states its mission is "to be a focal point for services and assistance to empower individuals and families to no longer be homeless."

Filed under Good Idea, Education / Educational Attainment, Children

Goal: The purpose of the Interlocal Association's (IA) Youth with Disabilities Project was to support demonstration projects to help Workforce Investment Act (WIA)-assisted youth programs develop the capacity to serve youth with disabilities. Although youth with disabilities had been served under previous employment and training programs during the latter years of the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), with the implementation of WIA, services such as work experience, summer employment, and others decreased substantially. IA looked to expand and enhance the quality of services to youth with disabilities.

Healthy Marin